- Burning or stinging eyes
- Foreign object sensation (when it feels like something is stuck in your eyes)
- Watering eyes for abnormally long periods
- Tissue in or around the eyes that turns red or swells
- Eyes that feel tired, even after resting
Get Ready to Shed Tears
of Joy Again
Dry eyes can bring occasional distraction or constant discomfort, depending on their severity. Talk about a pain in the eyes.
Fortunately, numerous options exist to reduce or eliminate dry eye symptoms. If you need help with this common condition, contact us and let our team find a solution that works for you.
What Is Dry Eye Disease?
An estimated 30% of Canadians suffer from dry eyes. You are more likely to have dry eyes if:
- You are over 50
- You are a woman
- You have certain medical conditions (e.g., Hepatitis C, vitamin A deficiency, androgen insufficiency, or some vascular diseases).
- You take certain medications (e.g., antihistamines, antidepressants, or some SSRIs).
- Have had certain medical procedures (e.g., corneal surgery, radiation therapy, postmenopausal estrogen treatments, or some stem cell treatments).
Some of the risk factors listed above cause dry eyes by affecting your meibomian glands, which keep your tear film stable by producing oil. If your meibomian glands stop producing the right amount of this oil, your tears evaporate too fast, resulting in dry eyes.

What to Do If You Think
You Have Dry Eyes
If you’re worried you might have dry eyes, the first step is to contact us and book a visit. We’ll investigate your symptoms and find out if they come from dry eyes or something else.
If we diagnose you with dry eyes, we’ll recommend one of the following therapies to reduce your discomfort:
- Artificial tears: Some dry eye symptoms can be significantly reduced with artificial tears. Once we investigate the precise cause of your dry eyes, we can recommend specific artificial tears for your needs.
- Prescription medications: prescription eye drops, including some immunosuppressants approved by Health Canada, are often used to manage moderate to severe dry eyes. Some steroids may also be prescribed to reduce the swelling that accompanies dry eyes.
- Manual gland expression: several techniques can help stimulate the meibomian glands and encourage them to produce oil normally. We may use cotton-tip applicators, a Mastrota paddle, or a warm compress to promote oil production.
- Inserts: small cellulose inserts can be placed into the eye’s inferior cul-de-sac, where they dissolve and thicken the tear film. Inserts have been linked to significant reductions in both symptoms and discomfort for those with dry eyes.
Make Your Dry Eyes a
Thing of the Past
Dry eyes don’t have to be a permanent problem. Contact us today and let our team create a plan to help you manage your symptoms.
Visit Us Today

How To Find Us
Our vision centre is conveniently located in Northills Shopping Centre. The mall offers spacious parking and accessibility-friendly parking options.
Contact Information
- Phone: 250.376.1985
- Fax: 250-376-1309
- Email: [email protected]
60-700 Tranquille RoadKamloops, BC V2B 3H9
Hours of Operation
*Closed 12:00 to 12:30 every day for lunch*
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