Many people prefer soft contact lenses since they tend to be comfortable and easy to use. They’re also usually less expensive than other types of lenses. Most soft contacts are made of silicone hydrogel, which lets oxygen pass through easily and bring nutrients to your cornea.
You can purchase soft contacts in spherical, toric, or multifocal shapes, depending on your needs. Soft contacts are also made for daily and extended wear schedules. Our eye doctors will tell you which types of soft contacts you may be able to use after your contact lens exam.
Rigid gas-permeable (RGP) lenses have a smooth refractive surface made from rigid silicone compounds. This surface allows them to correct astigmatism more effectively (which occurs when the cornea’s shape is atypical).
Since RGP lenses are solid, they tend to have better durability and longer lifespans than other lens types. However, not everyone enjoys the feeling of wearing RGP lenses, and they may be easier to dislodge than soft contacts. We can tell you whether RGP lenses are a good option for your eyes after your contact lens exam.